Selling your experience – The Edinburgh Award

Are you involved in MathsBuddies, Physics Pals, volunteering or doing any part-time work/planning summer work? If so, find out how doing an Edinburgh Award alongside can enhance your experience.

The Careers Service Blog


Lizzie Mortimer explains how the Award helps you add value to your summer work experience or volunteering

The summer vacation presents myriad opportunities to students; relax after the pressures of a busy academic year, catch up with friends and family, go on holiday, lie in….relax.

But, this is a Careers Service blog, so of course I’m going to talk about work. It probably isn’t news to anyone that the months between one academic year to the next are a gift to the student who has one eye to the future and wants to get some work experience. And I hope that is a lot of you.

Work experience is pretty amorphous; we could be talking about a summer job in your local cafe, a volunteering opportunity anywhere in the world, an internship, and more. All of these things develop you as an individual and as a professional. By getting…

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